Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Best Day of My Life!

Today, when I awoke, I suddenly realized
that this is the best day of my life, ever!

There were times when I wondered if I would
make it to today; but I did!
And because I did I'm going to celebrate!

Today, I'm going to celebrate what an
unbelievable life I have had so far:
the accomplishments, the many blessings,
and, yes, even the hardships
because they have served to make me stronger.

I will go through this day
with my head held high, and a happy heart.
I will marvel at God's seemingly
simple gifts: the morning dew, the sun,
the clouds, the trees, the flowers,
the birds. Today, none of these miraculous
creations will escape my notice.

Today, I will share my excitement for life
with other people. I'll make
someone smile. I'll go out of my way to
perform an unexpected act of
kindness for someone I don't even know.

Today, I'll give a sincere
compliment to someone who seems down.
I'll tell a child how special he is,
and I'll tell someone I love just how deeply
I care for them and how much
they means to me.

Today is the day I quit worrying about
what I don't have and start being
grateful for all the wonderful things
God has already given me. I'll
remember that to worry is just a
waste of time because my faith in God and
his Divine Plan ensures everything will be just fine.

And tonight, before I
go to bed, I'll go outside and raise my
eyes to the heavens. I will stand
in awe at the beauty of the stars and the moon,
and I will praise God for
these magnificent treasures.

As the day ends and I lay my head down
on my pillow, I will thank the
Almighty for the best day of my life.
And I will sleep the sleep of a
contented child, excited with expectation
because I know tomorrow is going
to be the best day of my life, ever!

Celebrating Mandela Day!

First of a pre congratulations to Madiba!!! WOW an amazing 93 years this year!!! I can remember how everyone, including himself, thought that he would not see the 2007 Rugby world cup, and how he said that he does not think that he would be with us with the opening ceremony for the Soccer world cup hosted by South-Africa (and what an amazing experience and privilege it was to be part of that history) in 2010! And here once again, 2011 Celebrating 97 years, 20 years of freedom from his 27 years imprisonment. That is what we all should be celebrating on Mandela day ~ FREEDOM ~ .

I have so much respect for Madiba, what he has done for this country, what he has achieved and the message that he portrays to the world, there is so much good that has come from when he became our president in 1994, yet most of us only always see the bad, it’s been 17 years already since apartheid fell down the drain, still racism is a major part of our daily lives. It is so annoying, i wish and pray that someday this whole racial 'war' would be blown away like the Cape Town air pollution when the Cape Doctor blows, and hopefully before Madiba rest his head for the last time.

Everywhere you always only read about the BAD ..... I HATE IT!!!!! I have made peace with the world and the different races, according to me there is only one race and that’s "Human Kind" i don’t care about skin colour, to me, if you can breathe, talk, walk, sit, smile, cry then you are my brother or sister. I feel the same kind of interest and love towards humanity regardless if it is the man begging next to the ATM stand or the man I just signed the deal of a lifetime with.

People often forget the good that came from black, white and ‘coloured’.

I read an article of Jonathan Jansen called My South-Africa, this is the article and i find it so amazing and truly inspiring:

My South Africa is the working-class man who called from the airport to return my wallet without a cent missing. It is the white woman who put all three of her domestic worker’s children through the same school that her own child attended. It is the politician in one of our rural provinces, Mpumalanga, who returned his salary to the government as a statement that standing with the poor had to be more than just a few words. It is the teacher who worked after school hours every day during the public sector strike to ensure her children did not miss out on learning.

My South Africa is the first-year university student in Bloemfontein who took all the gifts she received for her birthday and donated them – with the permission of the givers – to a home for children in an Aids village. It is the people hurt by racist acts who find it in their hearts to publicly forgive the perpetrators. It is the group of farmers in Paarl who started a top school for the children of farm workers to ensure they got the best education possible while their parents toiled in the vineyards. It is the farmer’s wife in Viljoenskroon who created an education and training centre for the wives of farm labourers so that they could gain the advanced skills required to operate accredited early-learning centres for their own and other children.

My South Africa is that little white boy at a decent school in the Eastern Cape who decided to teach the black boys in the community to play cricket, and to fit them all out with the togs required to play the gentleman’s game. It is the two black street children in Durban, caught on camera, who put their spare change in the condensed milk tin of a white beggar. It is the Johannesburg pastor who opened up his church as a place of shelter for illegal immigrants. It is the Afrikaner woman from Boksburg who nailed the white guy who shot and killed one of South Africa’s greatest freedom fighters outside his home.

My South Africa is the man who went to prison for 27 years and came out embracing his captors, thereby releasing them from their impending misery. It is the activist priest who dived into a crowd of angry people to rescue a woman from a sure necklacing. It is the former police chief who fell to his knees to wash the feet of Mamelodi women whose sons disappeared on his watch; it is the women who forgave him in his act of contrition. It is the Cape Town university psychologist who interviewed the ‘Prime Evil’ in Pretoria Centre and came away with emotional attachment, even empathy, for the human being who did such terrible things under apartheid.

My South Africa is the quiet, dignified, determined township mother from Langa who straightened her back during the years of oppression and decided that her struggle was to raise decent children, insist that they learn, and ensure that they not succumb to bitterness or defeat in the face of overwhelming odds. It is the two young girls who walked 20kms to school every day, even though their Matric years, and passed well enough to be accepted into university studies. It is the student who takes on three jobs, during the evenings and on weekends, to find ways of paying for his university studies.

My South Africa is the teenager in a wheelchair who works in townships serving the poor. It is the pastor of a Kenilworth church whose parishioners were slaughtered, who visits the killers and asks them for forgiveness because he was a beneficiary of apartheid. It is the politician who resigns on conscientious grounds, giving up status and salary because of an objection in principle to a social policy of her political party. It is the young lawman who decides to dedicate his life to representing those who cannot afford to pay for legal services.
My South Africa is not the angry, corrupt, violent country whose deeds fill the front pages of newspapers and the lead-in items on the seven-o’-clock news. It is the South Africa often unseen, yet powered by the remarkable lives of ordinary people. It is the citizens who keep the country together through millions of acts of daily kindness.

I don’t care whether my 'white' friends see me with 'black' or ' coloured ' friends, i don’t even care if i fall in love with a other race person what my 'white' friends would think of it. No person can argue with me that when you fall in love, you fall in love, no one can change it and no one will tell you it’s wrong or disgusting or not ethical. I have allot of friends from a variety of cultures, colour and race, i care for each and every one of them as i care for my own family. We are all human, we all can think for ourselves and we all have the right to live equally in freedom, after all, we all breath the same air, we all share the same sun and moon, and come on, everyone has to take a shit sometime or another and don’t tell me that one person’s shit smells better than the other...

Check in again for more thoughts on Mandela day... ;)

Monday, July 11, 2011

What is success REALLY!!

So many times in life you find yourself thinking..... 'How can i become successful, what is the secret!?’
It's such a depressing, hard and unbelievably difficult question to answer.

In life there is so many ways that you can define and express success, be it power, love, religion, career, age est..
I myself cannot answer that question, but i can share my thoughts and ideas of what i think the answer to success is.

I believe that you should always create that WOW experience, no matter what you do.
Always strive for the highest pinnacle, believe in a performance driven culture that recognises achievement and expects accountability and responsibility in a supportive environment. Always follow true north, demand absolute integrity in all your interactions, and always do what’s best for you, your client, your lover, your religion or your company, it is after all what is expected of you. Never ever plateau, take responsibility to develop yourself to your fullest potential in an environment that promotes performance, development and growth, accent and summit together, commit yourself to sharing and being team players in pursuit to company performance, relationships, religion, life est. Create a peak experience, always delight your internal and external relationships, whether it be professional, private or general and always, ALWAYS, exceed in all expectations.

In my opinion, if someone should ask me what is the secret to success, I would say there is none, i believe that each and every person creates his own secret to success, it is all based on how committed and determent you are to strive for what you believe you can do, never ever to give up, no matter how hard life throws his punches at you. Always stand up and try again. Sometimes people give up to easy, or they base their life on other people’s success. You cannot do that, sometimes someone created his success over night, other maybe a few years, 2 or 5 or even 30 years. All depends on how they hungered for that success. When you see someone making a success fast and maintaining that success you immediately feel you can do the same, you then try it and maybe it doesn’t work, now at this point 90% of people would just give up, they think they tried and failed, in a case like this i would call that person a coward and hypocrite for giving up that easy. Success is hard work, some have it easier than other, some have inheritance and support from investors est and others start from scratch. I classify myself as successful, maybe not in richness yet, but rather in life. I overcame difficult obstacles in my personal life when i was very young, I managed to get myself on the right tracks and committed myself in becoming the best person that I can allow myself to be, i worked my way up in my personal and professional life, working with great people, successful people, learning from them, observing and portraying what I learned, in my opinion I learned from the best. Soon i found myself at a path where I had the option of creating my own empire, which I then did, not knowing that it would turn out to be the hardest thing I have ever done, but it worked, I had an successful company for little more than two years, had excellent staff and my companies profit margin grew every month, then I made one simple mistake, I thought i could play with the big dogs while in actual fact I was still a puppy. This in return cost me to lose everything. Now at this point most people would give up, I won’t lie and say that i didn’t also have that thought, I was at a crossroad, give up or stand up... So I stood up, I retained my contacts, I slowly but surely took the time to observe and calculate the mistakes I have made and I corrected them. Soon I found myself at a new beginning with endless opportunities, I was confronted by a very wealthy and successful business man who, i guess, saw the drive i have inside me and he offered me a partnership i could not resist. So far.. So good!!!!!

In these changes I believe that i can without a doubt classify myself as a success and give myself a well-deserved pat on the shoulder as i know that my future will be bright and cheerful, as long as i stay on the narrow path and always believe and know that at any time everything can be taken away from me, so in actual fact this means that i should not think that I’m better or smarter than someone else, i should never ever look down to someone unless it is to help that person, that i should always keep both feet firm on the ground, and never forget that i am here solely because of one person, my creator, if I don’t go down on my knees every night thanking the Lord for what He has done for me and always believe that as long as I take Him everywhere with me i would be okay then i would never be able to be who I dream to be.

With that said,  want to come to the conclusion that each and every on of us has the potential to be successful, it's just how you do it, what your decisions are and what your moral standards bring out. Always believe, always keep dreaming and never ever give up, and remember that you will only create your success if you take the Lord with you each and every step of the way.

To those that read this, thanx for being part of my very first blog post, and keep checking for updates as i think I’m going to be addicted to this. ;)

Thank you and God bless..